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Soundgarden contrademanda a Vicky Cornell

Soundgarden contrademanda a Vicky Cornell

Los integrantes de Soundgarden se defendieron tras ser demandados por la viuda de Chris Cornell.

En diciembre del año pasado inició una guerra legal entre los integrantes de Soundgarden y Vicky Cornell, viuda del vocalista de la banda estadounidense. Vicky demandó a Matt Cameron y compañía por no pagarle regalías de siete grabaciones inéditas de la banda.

El pasado martes los integrantes de Soundgarden presentaron una moción al juez en el estado de Florida. En la cual argumentan que la viuda no tiene ningún derecho sobre los temas, ya que la banda aseguró que todos colaboraron en la composición de al menos cinco de siete canciones.

A esta moción la viuda de Cornell se mantiene en una difícil postura ya que ella asegura que los temas fueron escritos únicamente por Chris en su estudio de grabación en Florida. Mientras los integrantes aseguran que el músico difunto compuso y grabó gran parte de estas en Seattle en 2011.


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I have been taking time these past few weeks to be grateful for all the good people around me and for those who have lifted me up at the very worst times in my life. The silver lining, during the storm, is finding and appreciating the subtle glow of those who sincerely support you in your life unconditionally. However, sometimes while you grieve the one you physically lost, you realize that you must now grieve the loss of some of those you considered friends and family as well. I am shocked at how often this occurs. It’s not just me, or the rock-star widow, or the political widow; it is the case for the vast majority of women after their partners have passed. It transcends socio-economic class, race, and religion. It is an unpleasant and unfortunately all too common theme. Hard-hearted family members, friends, and business associates; who will exploit a widow’s vulnerability when she’s broken and alone. These other people who have decided that her time is up as well. Through support groups and other widowed friends, and during both difficult and supportive conversations, I have learned that I am not a unique case. This seems to be the inevitable plight of the widow in this world and I cannot help feeling angry, sad and betrayed. I will not be bullied or shamed into silence. I will not accept something so wrong, so lacking in compassion or decency, even with the clear but unspoken threat of social rejection hanging over me. This was not the way I would have chosen to move forward. But I will not be pushed aside for someone else’s convenience or gain. I will not sacrifice our children’s futures for someone else’s greed. And I will not let someone else make me feel shame because the man I loved was taken from all of us too soon. I will do justice by my husband’s work and memory; for our children and for everything we stood for. I want to thank everyone who has stood by Chris and has supported us through this devastating time. Your love and your kindness will never be forgotten. #chriscornell forever 🖤

Una publicación compartida de Vicky Cornell (@vickycornell) el

Tanto la agrupación como la viuda buscan justicia, en este momento el caso se está llevando en Florida. Sin embargo, los integrantes buscan que se traslade a su ciudad natal Washington.

Chris se suicidó en 2017 en el hotel donde se hospedaba en aquel entonces. Y por si Soundgarden no tuviera suficientes conflictos, recientemente la banda declaró que se enteró de la muerte de su amigo y compañero vía redes sociales. Esperamos que toda esta disputa llegue a su fin de la mejor manera posible. Quédate al pendiente de Indie Rocks! para mayor información.